It's been quite a week here. Our 10 year old Flat Coated Retriever Echo had a very large lump removed from her mammary gland. Luckily, it was a cyst but the process made me realize that time does march on. Since I learned that some people do spin dog hair, I've always thought I'd love to take some of her hair and blend it with some roving. This breed is not for folks who thrive on a spotless carpet. Long black locks adorn our house constantly. I vacuum daily. I'd love to spin some yarn with a touch of Echo in it and perhaps make a hat or scarf for my husband since she's really his girl. Since I've not actually taken steps to collect her hair, I began to brush her this week keeping the hair I gathered in a bag. This breed apparently has ideal hair for spinning. They also have quite unusual personalities. They are the Peter Pans of the dog world - goofy describes them best. If Echo were a TV character, she'd be Phoebe on Friends. As I brushed her fur and carefully placed it in a bag Echo shot me a look as if to say "Puhleeeze, how Silence of the Lambs of you".

I also completed the Devin toque for my DH this week. This is the perfect guy hat. Solid black with 2 x 2 ribbing. Easy Peasy (except for seeing the black yarn with my aging eyes but that's another story). The kicker is it's made out of 100% cashmere by Hand Maiden. I will admit it was so wonderful to work with. I can't wait to work with it again. The pattern was written for back and forth - sewn up but I converted it to in the round. I'm very pleased with the results. So is the recipient and with the current cold snap he's worn it several times already.