Double Play: Cobblestone Pullover
I've been in a rather indecisive state of mind of late. I don't like the notion of committing myself to anything and this is having some rather unexpected benefits for my knitting. Since choosing a new
project seems to daunting, I've taken to pulling UFOs (Dad, UFO= unfinished object in knitter speak) out of the pile to forge ahead on them. What better way to avoid a new commitment than to simply reignite an old one? Case in point - meet a completed Cobblestone Pullover. It's my second finished
object this month.
Specs are as follows:
Cobblestone Pullover by Jared Flood
Yarn: O Wool Balance in grey (50/50 organic wool and cotton)
Size: Smallest
Adaptations: Used a 4mm needle on the hem and cuffs. Made the sleeves slightly smaller.
Made for: Mr. Veritas
This is the first sweater I've ever made for my husband after 30 years of being together. I'm not worried about the sweater curse (don't believe in it) it's simply that he likes grey and black stockinette and I like challenge and colour. We both liked this design and the tweedy flecks of the O-Balance yarn made it more interesting. The fit is PERFECT. Unlike Roam for which size was a problem (due to my yarn choice) - this one is bang on. This is a delightful pattern to make - deceptively simple in style yet artful in design. I'm so impressed with Mr. Flood's pattern that I may just commit to casting on for Stillwell. I have the yarn all set to go from Julie at the Needle Emporium.
Here he is with Phoebe who has grown into quite a nice young lady at one year of age.
In the meantime, I'll be resurrecting Rhinegold to see if I can shepherd that one to the finish line.
It amazes me that my indecision has increased my productivity. Though I will cast on something new on New Year's Eve...What will it be????